Sunday, August 26, 2012

Salad with spinach, chicken and strawberries

Salad with spinach, chicken and strawberries
Salad with spinach, chicken and strawberries

fresh spinach leaves or any green salad leaves or mix, chicken breast, fresh strawberries, beef, physalis
Filling: lemon juice, honey, mustard (I prefer grain, Dijon or sweet European), berry vinegar, vegetable oil - rub lemon juice, mustard and honey. Pour a little vinegar and berries at the end gradually add oil, whisking until a sauce

Chicken breast with salt and pepper and fry in vegetable oil until tender. In the remaining oil fry the cubes of bacon. Stir in spinach, strawberries, diced bacon, sliced ​​chicken, cape gooseberries. Drizzle with dressing.

I am very fond of physalis in salads and so it is often add. He, like strawberries, creates a wonderful flavor accent.

Salad of spinach and strawberries

Salad of spinach and strawberries
Salad of spinach and strawberries

Type of dish:
Serves: 4
Difficulty: Very easy
Cost: Cheap
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes

- 1/2 cup sliced ​​almonds
- 2 c. tablespoons poppy seeds
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar
- 2 c. teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 12 cups of baby spinach
- 1-1/2 cups sliced ​​strawberries
- Salt and pepper

Salad of spinach and strawberries

To prepare a spinach salad and strawberries:
1 / In a skillet, toast the almonds. Cool and reserve.

Spinach Salad with Creamy Strawberry Dressing

Mexico City (Mexico). In warm weather so it seems more fresh food, but with a delicious flavor, giving you flexibility and properly nourished.

So, we give you an extremely easy recipe for "Spinach Salad with creamy dressing strawberry ', you'll love the combination safe. The quantities we specified yield for four servings.


• 500 grams of strawberries from California
• 1 cup plain yogurt
• 2 tablespoons vinegar
• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
• Salt
• Pepper
• Chinese bean paste
• 2 cups of oil
• Spinach leaves

How to prepare:

What is spinach in spanish?

Well, spinach is spanish is Espinacas, here is the espinacas
Well, spinach is spanish is Espinacas, here is the espinacas

What is spinach in spanish? the answer is Espinacas. Yes, it's easy to find spinach in spanish. even you can get it directly from the online dictionary. Now we will talk about the spinach in Spain and even how to use spinach in this country.

As we have seen in previous articles about "what is spinach", spinach is a vegetable with large green leaves. It has a round rod, very soft and smooth. Leaves alternate, succulent, fleshy, very soft and dark green. Stand out among all green vegetables for their nutritional quality.

History of spinach
It is estimated that the spinach was cultivated by Arabs and Persians 2,000 years ago. During the Moorish invasion of Spain introduced in Europe, from where it spread to other parts of the world. The "spinach" a term derived from the word "Hispania".

In another version narrated that, close to the eleventh century, spinach was introduced by Arabs from Asia to Europe through the Iberian Peninsula. While wars and conflicts makes the spread spinach delayed and only in the eighteenth century made it through the Pyrenees, then spread spinach achieved great success in the UK, France and the Netherlands, where he began the commercial cultivation: a few years later came to America.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sauteed spinach

Sauteed spinach
Sauteed spinach

Description of the recipe Sauteed spinach

A first recipe that very healthy and quite juicy, special diets, made with spinach, garlic and a pinch of paprika.

What ingredients need to prepare .. Sauteed spinach?
- 1/2 kg. Spinach
- 3 cloves of garlic
- Olive oil
- 50 gr. of raisins
- Paprika sweet
- Salt

How to prepare Spinach sauteed?

To make the sautéed spinach, first, as in most of the sauteed vegetables, saute the garlic is rolled in olive oil in a pan, griddle or nonstick wok.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Recipe of Spinach with cream

Spinach with cream
Spinach with cream

Description of the cream Spinach recipe

A rich spinach baked with a bechamel sauce which gives it a wonderful flavor.

What ingredients need to prepare .. Creamed spinach?
- 1 kg of spinach
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 1/2 liter of milk
- Grated cheese
- Garlic
- Onion
- White pepper
- Nutmeg
- Salt

Recipe of spinach croquettes with beef

Description of the recipe spinach croquettes with beef

A delicious spinach and warm incoming dipped in egg, grated cheese and bread, milk, and served with beef.

What ingredients need to prepare .. Spinach croquettes with beef?
- 500 g frozen spinach
- 50 g of beef
- 70 g flour
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/2 l of whole milk
- 2 eggs
- 4 tablespoons of grated cheese
- Bread crumbs
- Nutmeg
- Salt
- Olive oil for frying

How do you prepare spinach croquettes with beef?

Spinach recipe: Spinach with raisins and pine nuts

Spinach with raisins and pine nuts
Spinach with raisins and pine nuts

Description of the recipe Spinach with raisins and pine nuts

One serving of spinach spiced and served with fried pine nuts and raisins.

What ingredients need to prepare .. Spinach with raisins and pine nuts?
4 bunches of spinach
100 grams. sprocket
100 grams. of currants
Olive oil

How to prepare Spinach with raisins and pine nuts?

Preparation: clean the spinach. First clean raisins with water or brandy for an hour. Then we take the pine nuts and raisins in a pan and fry until golden brown. Finally add the spinach, sauté a few minutes and finally they we take a little pepper and salt.

Spinach Recipe: Spinach Pie with beef

Spinach Pie with beef
Spinach Pie with beef

What ingredients need to prepare .. Spinach pie with beef?
- 1/2 pounds fresh spinach (I use the bags that come with salad)
- 200 gr. beef into small dice (see note added)
- 1 onion
- 1 small red pepper
- 6 eggs
- oil
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 3 slices of cheese
- Bread crumbs (optional)

How do you prepare Spinach Pie with beef?

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and bell pepper pieces. When everything is cooked, add spinach and fry together. then, add the beef (or tuna) and mix well

In a blender cup, add egg, cream cheese slices or wedges and a teaspoon of paprika. Shake well.

Take spinach in a bowl with cheese and eggs and mix well.

Spinach Recipe: spinach salad with parmesan cheese and beef

spinach salad with parmesan cheese and bacon
spinach salad with parmesan cheese and beef

To keep the content of vitamins in spinach, it should be served in the raw. in this recipe, the spinach will be combined with beef, mushrooms and cheese, in salad.

What ingredients need to be prepared .. Spinach salad, parmesan cheese and beef?
- A number of baby spinach
- 100 g of beef
- 4 mushrooms (champignon mushroom is better)
- Sheet Parmesan cheese to taste
- Olive oil
- 1 Egg
- Balsamic vinegar
- Salt
- Pepper

First, wash the spinach thoroughly
Then cut the meat in small strips and fry in a skillet over low heat. No need to add oil, because pieces of meat already contains oil. When a strip of beef frying and looks crisp, put a tissue to reduce / eliminate the oil.