Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spinach Reduce Colon Cancer Risk

Spinach Salad with Shitake Mushrooms
Spinach Salad with Shitake Mushrooms

The benefits of spinach not only meet the needs of fiber the body needs, but also minimize the attack of colon cancer. Want proof?

In addition to providing the benefits of iron, spinach also can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Researchers at Oregon State University found that eating green vegetables reduce the damaging effects of carcinogens found in cooked meat.

They study the complex biological effects of carcinogens in the microRNA and cancer stem cells. During the research conducted on animals, they found that spinach consumption could offset some of the damaging effects of the carcinogen. In tests with laboratory animals, spinach can reduce the risk of colon tumors by almost half (from 58% to 32%).

"The formation of cancer is a complex multistep process by which damaged cells arise through a variety of ways. This study demonstrates that microRNAs changes affect cancer stem cell markers in colon cancer formation. MicroRNAs are very small factors that do great things in the cell, "said researcher Parasramka Mansi.

Why Should We and Popeye Eat Spinach?

Benefit of spinach
Benefit of spinach
STILL remember Popeye cartoons? In that story, Popeye is described as a 'hero' who would have the power many times after eating spinach.

It is not simply fiction. The benefits of spinach are very many. Spinach is a vegetable that has exceptional nutritional value. Spinach has everything you need for your health.

Some people say bad taste of spinach. But there are seven reasons for diligently eating spinach.

1. Good for the digestive tract
Spinach has a beneficial effect on the intestine. These vegetables are rich in fiber. It would be very nice if you put it in your diet list. Digestive tract smoothly, your body will always be healthy.

2. Neutralize the effect of sodium
Eating spinach regularly can stabilize blood pressure. These vegetables contain lots of potassium to neutralize the adverse effects of sodium in the body.

If you enthusiasts often add salt and salt in various foods, you need the spinach as neutralization.

Popeye is right, Spinach Super Good for Muscles

Spinach is good for muscle
Spinach is good for muscle
Do you know why Popeye eating spinach to strengthen his muscles? A recent study conducted revealed that the sailor cartoon character was not mistaken. Spinach was indeed able to make your biceps stand out.

A test conducted on rats showed that nitrate, a compound found in high levels in the spinach, increase the production of two key proteins to strengthen muscles.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden said it is currently not possible to buy nitrate supplements. Nitrate compounds that can actually get with a cheap way: through a small bunch of spinach, do not need as much as that eaten by Popeye