Saturday, June 30, 2012

The benefits of RedLeaf Greens spinach

Redleaf Green spinach
Redleaf Green spinach
Spinach originating from tropical America and is easy to grow in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. Spinach was originally known as ornamental plants. In a further development, spinach promoted as food sources of protein, especially for developing countries.

In tropical countries, spinach can be grown throughout the year and found 5-2000 m asl, growing in hot and cold, but it grows in lowland thrives on open land where the air is somewhat hot.

Spinach is an one year herbaceous plants, stem height of 0.4 - 1 mtr and branched, the stem is weak and watery, leaf-stemmed, oval, limp, 5-8 cm long, tip blunt, base tapering, and red.

Spinach, including members of the Amaranthaceae family. Known as Amaranthus spp. Amaranth in Greek means everlasting (eternal).

Do not preheat your spinach


Spinach is a vegetable rich in vitamin K, but also vitamins A and C. Both of these vitamins are antioxidants that help keep the body from free radicals. In addition to good immune, recent research shows that vitamin C works better to fight aging than vitamin E.

Children who love to eat spinach is great because of its rich health benefits for the child. But, there are reasons spinach should not be heated. Repeated heating to oxidize the iron content in spinach, which then change the content of iron is toxic.

In addition, you should pay attention to the process of storage. The longer it is stored in the refrigerator, the higher the levels of nitrite produced. When it reacts with iron in red blood cells, can cause difficulties hemogoblin oxygen binding. As a result, the whole body tissue of oxygen deficiency in humans too. So make sure your family eat spinach just been processed. And do not eat spinach after more than 5 hours of serving. (Parenting/Wrt1)

HERBAL MEDICINE: Spinach Can Increase Fertility


Spinach with high iron content have hidden benefits to boost vitality. Spinach also contains substances to enhance fertility.

Gynecologists, Haryadi said Dwi, spinach contain vitamin E, that capable of producing sex hormones in the body. Consumption of spinach can be done both women and men. "Spinach can affect the fertility of women," he said yesterday (28/6).

He said, spinach also contains manganese which facilitates the production of female hormone estrogen. Meanwhile, zinc content may help maintain the quality of libido and sperm production in men.

To get a fertility, a healthy diet is a must. Unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol are detrimental to health can be eliminated. "Instead of it by eating green vegetables rich in vitamins and protein," he said again.